#FreshLightGuardian Part III, Pari Island
Yihaaaaa ... hello bloggers! How are you all? Of course, keep cool instead. Thank you for visiting my blog are still loyal. Pada postingan kali ini aku akan bercerita tentang #backpackeran ke Pulau Pari pada tanggal 5 - 6 Februari 2013 kemarin loh. Actually, our holiday plans Pari Island from 28 - 29 January 2013 ago, but because of floods that hit the capital, so we decided to postpone our vacation. ^^
Dan seperti dengan yang diharapkan, turned out to be the date that we take weather very friendly. On the island of the sun is very hot. I love it! :*
Ini adalah kedua kalinya saya datang ke Pulau Pari, sebelumnya saya datang ke pulau ini karena ada acara "Ketan Urab 10" dari kampus. And this opportunity is the second time I came to the Pari island with free... I LOVE "GRATISAN"! :D
Saat saya pergi ke Pulau Pari kemarin, menurut ku kondisi airnya agak keruh dan ada beberapa sampah yang menumpuk. I really hate it. Guide say about waste into the island were sent from Jakarta. And why its murky water? Since a few days of rain continues. But it doesn't diminish the beauty of this island, of course. We really enjoyed this short vacation. For you who want to vacation to this island you can use it http://www.paradisonesia.com/ or you can mention @pulaupari travel recommendations from me. \(^o^)b
Immediately, let's go to this island. Yuhuu...
Ini adalah Pantai Pasir Perawan, pantai ini berpasir putih dan bernuasa indah. Yang paling penting adalah SEPI sekali loh. Jadi mirip "Privat Beach". It's so romantic if you invite your boy friend. Unfortunately I haven't it. huhuh!
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Dari Pantai pasir perawan ada penyewaan perahu seharga 35ribu, kamu bisa diajak jalan-jalan hingga ujung pantai pasir perawan melewati Pulau Tengah. Along the way the scenery was nice. There are a couple of small fish jumping along the way. Unfortunately I don't have pictures. hehe
Dan masuk ke sesi snorkeling. Kami agak sulit untuk menemukan lokasi snorkling yang tepat karena ombak yang besar dan airnya yang keruh. So we had to wait long to find two locations snorking. But its location is really good. Although I was a bit annoyed because I use swimming goggles loose, so water gets into the eyes and nose. Saya hampir muntah karena beberapa kali tersedak air laut, rasanya sangat tidak enak. huaaaa....
After the session you would have to try snorkeling session BANANA BOAT only 35ribu/person! I really regret didn't bring swimming goggles, cause I use the contact lens. huhu jadi cuman bisa nontonin mereka deh. huaaaa
In the evening we ate at the beach .. Grilled fish. Woow ... I really enjoyed it. but only briefly. because my friends are already on fatigue. huh!
Dan keesokan harinya kami pulang pagi hari sekitar pukul 10.00wib, and at that much too big waves, to ship shocks are felt. It really makes my stomach queasy and almost vomited. dan pada jam segitu ombak terlalu besar, hingga guncangan kapal sangat terasa. Itu sangat membuat perut ku mual dan hampir muntah. Cih!
Saran buat kamu yang mabok laut, aku rasa kamu harus meminum antimo sebelum berangkat. Posisikan se pewe mungkin tempat duduk kamu.Usahakan sambil mendengarkan musik selama perjalanan, itu dapat mengurangi tingkat ke mualan. And of course you have to be ready candy mint To reduce nausea want to vomit. Selamat mencoba dan selamat berlibur! :D
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